Elephant Brick Co.

Handmade bricks offering character and individuality for home building or renovating

Elephant Brick Co. don’t want to make standard bricks ….what would be the point of that, there are plenty of brick makers who can sell you a standard machine made extruded brick.

While all bricks produced by Elephant Brick Co. exceed Australian and European Standards, their bricks are anything but standard.

Their handmade product ranges exude character and individuality – qualities that cannot be achieved via mass production.

The team currently produce bricks in four sizes:

Imperial: 230mm x 68mm x 110mm

European: 215mm x 65mm x 103mm

Roman: 325mm x 50mm x 110mm

Conventional: 230mm x 76mm x 110mm

Brick facings (23mm thick) in the above sizes

Also available – glazed bricks and brick facings in the above sizes.