1) Start by measuring the width and height of your bed. You will need four pieces of timber, we recommend either pine or jarrah depending on the finished look you desire.
2) Cut to the same width of the bed plus 10cm. You will also need two pieces of timber cut to your desired bedhead height. We added 90cm to the lengths.
3) Make a simple frame, you don’t have to mitre the edges if you intend to paint the frame, but if you are leaving the timber raw, it is a good idea to cut the corners properly.
4) Add the other two pieces of timber as horizontal struts.
5) Visit the Perth Pressed Metal display at Home Base and choose a metal pattern. There is more information, including sizes of sheets, online at perthpressedmetal.com.au.
6) Simply nail your choice of tin to the bedhead and then either fix the piece to the wall behind your bed or fix it to the base of your bed. We did the former.